an odd and offputting troll.
some trolls seem like they dont belong anywhere. mekcin is one such troll. he has that vibe that he should have been culled a long time ago. illegally interested in mathematics. paints his horns, apparently.
art gallery
[FC]: ! A-WAYS HAV÷ A TH÷ORY, AND TH÷R÷ !S A 99% (HaN(÷ THAT !T !S R!GHT !N ÷V÷RY !NSTAN(÷.
name: mekcin bestem
trolltag: fleetingCacoethes
age: 7
gender: boy
lusus: wip
blood: gold
quirk: I = !, C = (, L = -, LL = =, E = ÷. A= (APS, PROP÷R PUN(TUAT!ON, O((AS!ONA- -OW÷R(AS÷ -÷TT÷RS.