on language homogenization + gem revival

ohhoh gem Stuff i remembered today right. Ever wondered how the diddly mf dang us homeworld gems landed on earth and knew perfect American English?

So basically The Diamonds, Being the Diamonds, designed Gems with language homogenization in mind. That is , language stays the same forever and is interchangeable if that makes sense. It's a way to control us. Say for example there is a cluster of colonies out in a system...and they exist for long enough the Gems there develop their own slange and stuff. As soon as they come into contact with an outsider/homogenized Gem their langauge will become...the same i suppose, i dont know how to describe it. I call this the Gem Resonance or whatever but i dont know if it actually has a name.

Since steven is Sort of a gem, and he and the CGs, knew english of course, our language became Interchangeable and Same. I actually Do Not know how to explain this. It's not that anything changes exactly. It moreso becomes completely understandable between both parties until it...settles? Idk. Thought that was interesting.

Oh, another thing, and it is a "canon divergence" i suppose, the first one i recall of any significance. You may or may not know that Steven shattered the Jasper at one point, then he brought her back or something-- donno, i wasn't there for it. One thing i Do know is that she was Very Different after that. Bringing gems back from shattering is, well it was possible in era 1, while PD was still around, but during my time it was never heard of. Its still a risky thing to do even with Steven and the diamond googoo gaga. Basically, you won't come back the same. There'll be something fundamentally different about you.