me: Need to put rug time back in school... just the greatest invention i think. Ehee im glad you like listening to me im always full of stuff. Likeee today i was thinķing about the ...ermm..DIAMONDS...Oh mh gyatt i hate them so much (we all do we just preted to be okay with them for stevens sake ☠️ he doesnt like them either but he wants to forgive sooo bad) they were just like Yeah how bout we make a living guy. Right. And the Guy is just a decoration.forever. lIKE WHY DID YOU DO THAT. im going to pull a prank on the diamonds or something...put a glitter bomb in their bathrooms ...just to be mischievous
WOAAGHH my eyeballs leaking my eyes water sooo much but i love my lil SCREEN
like theyre pretty but theure EEEUEUUUGGGHHHHH
me: Yeaahh theres gems who are just statues, cant move, maybe they can talk? To be honest never tried. But earlier i was like, oh dang, we really needa get those guys into lil hw somehow. Maybe have some quartzes haul em outta HW. Luckily there arent too many stationary gems like that spread about colonies...mostly just the diamonds liked to look at them... sooo odd and weird ‼️ what was the Motive.
And yea thats not even touching upon the amount of gems we had to get out of Harvesting Situations (when you put a gem in an object to power it/make it work better, for example, Lapis Mirror) and the...emotional fallout of such situations. Its Bad
So Yeah the diamonds are NOT Forgiven..Ever probably
ex: ouhghm... im scared about how many. How many gems that werent able to reform for, just, years and years
me: YEAH, Its Bad, like imagine youre just in there and you wake up and Everything is Different, everyone and every place you knew is changed or gone, everyone probably forgot about you...its Gross and it shouldn't have to Happen to ANYONE. And every Gem in a Harvesting Situation, does not have the support group laz did, we just have to try our dang bests to acclimate them fast and assure them that they are safe now, but in the long run they are going to have to find new friends if theyre ever going to really recover from that Experience. And finding Friends is kinda hard ‼️ might need to put a program speeecifically for that in little homeschool, like for harvested gems to meet each other n stuff?
YEAAAHH I love talkin abojt ermm stuff even if its Hashtag depressing thanks for listenin to me hehee