fresh out the wall

when gems pop out their
hole in the kindergarten wall,
they dont come out
with the right appearance
shortly after first forming,
most gems will be corraled to
their colony's respective
training facility. for peridots,
the group of kindergartners
tending that sector will
list off the requirements
and limitations for
your form. there was
a different standardized list
for each and every gem type
some symbols and shapes were absolutely
banned, others were required, 
such as the insignia of your diamond. in these facilities is where you'll experience
your first poof. if you forgot the list while
your arranging yourself in your gem, theyd
just keep poofing you until you got it right
you had a degree of personal freedom, but everything
down to hairstyle, colors, shapes, where
those shapes could be, etc. had limits and
i liked this to an extent;
meant i didnt need to
make my own choices
after your form gets approved, 
you get your colony standard
limb enhancers. each colony
has a bit of a different design
depending on which part of the
galactic grid it sits in, for 
easy identification purposes. so then  the kindergartners 
rush you through setting up your
gem network profile, well, theres
 a lot of gems to get through.
 everyones stumbling
around, i mean, imagine youve
only been existing and walking
for like an hour and now you
have bigass feet
you were expected to be
able to navigate the software
day one and sumbit your first
of many, many mandatory logs.
if you happened to poof for
whatever reason, you would
need to sumbit how and why
and take a scan of your new form
and upload that to your profile.
any violations or mistakes and...
well, good luck
welcome to the world
now get to work!